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October , 21ª 2024
Tel: +55 19-3446-4545

Rebuilt Automotive Engine Rebuilding Machinery Milling Machine Foundry Location Contact
Indústria de Máquinas Chinelatto Ltda 
Rod. João Tosello (SP147) s/nr, km 104.7 
Cx. Postal 260 - CEP: 13486-264 
Limeira - SP - Brazil 
Tel: +55 19-3446-4545 
WhatsApp: +55 19-99295-3073 
E-mail: chinelatto@chinelatto.com.br 

General Catalogue CHINELATTO (2.85 MB)

  CrankShaft Machines:
Crankshaft Grinder Machine
cap. 850 mm
Crankshaft Grinder Machine
cap. 1.000 mm
Crankshaft Grinder Machine
cap. 1.500 mm
Hydraulic Crankshaft Grinder Machine
cap. 1.500 mm
Crankshaft Polisher Machine
cap. 1.500 mm
Crankshaft Polisher Machine
cap. 2.000 mm
Portable Crankshaft Polisher Machine
Measuring System During Work

  Head Machines:
Surface Grinding and Milling Machine
Cylinder Head Valve Seat Boring Machine
Cylinder Head Valve Seat Boring Machine
Cylinder Head Valve Seat Boring Machine
Automatic Cylinder Head Valve Seat Boring Machine
Valve Recondi-
tioning Machine
Valve Grinding Machine
Valve Grinding Machine With Quick Fixing
Surface Grinding and Milling Machine
Vertical Cylinder Boring and Surface Milling Machine
Blocks and Cylinder Head Milling Machine
cap. 3000 mm
Cylinder Head Pressure Tester Machine
Check Valves Vacuum
Surface Parallel Rule
cap. 800 mm
Surface Parallel Rule
cap. 1200 mm
Boring Bar Device
Hydraulic Press Valve Guides
Sand Glasting Gabinets
Sand Glasting Gabinets
Cylinder Head Valver Spring Test
Grinding Machine for Valve Insert
Grinding Machine for Valve Insert and and for Tools
"L" Device type for Inclined Cylinder Head Base
American Device for Inclined Cylinder Head Base
Cradle for Cylinder Heads
Cradle to Fix V Cylinder Blocks
Device for V Blocks - Degrees 30º - 45º

  MotorCycle Machines:
Portable Cylinder Boring Machine
01 Speed
Portable Cylinder Boring Machine
01 Speed
Portable Cylinder Boring Machine
02 Speeds
Portable Cylinder Boring Machine
Cylinder Honing Machine
Motorcycle Cylinder Head Valve Seat Boring Machine
Crankshaft Balancer Device
Table Device for Motorcycle Cylinder
Mod. M-90
Automatic Cylinder Head Valve Seat Boring Machine

MotorCycle Machine Catalogue (0.69 MB)

  Cylinder Head and Blocks Machines:
Vertical cylinder boring and surface milling machine
Vertical cylinder boring and surface milling machine
Hydraulic cylinder honing machine
Hydraulic cylinder honing machine imported
Cylinder honing machine
Counterbore units
Extra tool fac-86 for Scania 124 blocks
Extra tool fac-86 for Cummins blocks
Cylinder sleeve hydraulic press
Portable cylinder boring machine
Portable cylinder boring machine
Portable cylinder boring machine imported
Cylinder block boring machine - air floating
Portable boring bar for diesel block
Table device for blocks 4 cylinders
Cabinet for cylinder boring machine for blocks 6 cylinders
Surface parallel rule
cap. 800 mm
Surface parallel rule
cap. 1200 mm
Grinding machine for valve insert and and for tools
Cradle to fix V Cylinder Blocks
Device for V Blocks - Degrees 30º - 45º

  Con-Rod Machines:
Con-Rod Aligner
Con-Rod Aligner
Con-Rod Boring Machine
Con-Rod Boring Machine
Con-Rod Boring and Grinding Machine
Con-Rod Honing Machine
Cap and Rod Grinder Machine

  Flywheel Grinder Machine::
Flywheel machine

  Cleaning Pieces Machines:
Sand blasting gabinets
Sand blasting gabinets

  Imported Machines:
Hydraulic Cylinder Honing Machine Imported
Portable Cylinder Boring Machine
Portable Cylinder Boring Machine -Imported

  Outros equipamentos
Fresadora Ferramenteira
Fresadora Vertical JARBE F4V
Torno Mecânico Rosca
Mesa de Fixação Giratória
Dispositivo Giratório Vertical
Torre Universal

  Ferramentas para "venda avulsa"

Ferramentas p/ Broqueadora de Cilindros de coluna
Modelos mįquinas: BVC800X + BVC1600X
Ferramenta Diāmetro 54-66 mm
Ferramenta Diāmetro 66-78 mm
Ferramenta Diāmetro 78-90 mm
Ferramenta Diāmetro 85-124 mm
Ferramenta Diāmetro 120-160 mm

Ferramentas p/ Broqueadora de Cilindros de coluna
Modelos mįquinas: BVC200 + BVC1500P
Ferramenta para Mandrilhar Diāmetro. 52 a 74 mm
Ferramenta para Mandrilhar Diāmetro 70 a 94 mm
Ferramenta para Mandrilhar Diāmetro 72 a 100 mm
Ferramenta para Mandrilhar Diāmetro 90 a 120 mm
Ferramenta para Mandrilhar Diāmetro 110 a 150 mm

Ferramenta p/ Broqueadora de Cilindros tipo "sorveteira"
Modelos mįquinas: BVC65
Ferramenta Diāmetro 39-65 mm

Ferramenta p/ Broqueadora de Cilindros tipo "sorveteira"
Modelos mįquinas: BVC90 + BVC130 + BCP1000
Ferramenta (comprimento 30 x diam. 8 mm)

Ferramenta p/ Plainar Blocos e Cabeēotes
Modelos mįquinas: PF0,80 + PF1 + PBC900 + FUTURA
Ferramenta Plainar - Diāmetro 1/2 x 45 mm

Ferramenta p/ Plainar Blocos e Cabeēotes
Modelos mįquinas: PBC1200 + PBC1200VE
Ferramenta Plainar - Diāmetro 1/2 x 90 mm

Ferramenta p/ Plainar cabeēote
Modelos mįquinas: PF0,80 + PF1 + FUTURA + PBC900 + PBC1200VE + PBC1200
Ferramenta anti-camara - Diāmetro 10 x 69.5 mm - com inserto
Ferramenta de CBN ų12,7mm com suporte p/ Plainar ferro fundido
Ferramenta de PCD ų12,7mm com suporte p/ Plainar alumķnio

Ferramenta p/ mandrilhadora de bielas
Modelos mįquinas: MB-98 / MB-125
Ferramenta Mandrilhar Biela - Diāmetro 6 x 20,5 mm
Ferramenta Mandrilhar Biela - Diāmetro 8 x 19,5 mm
Ferramenta Mandrilhar Biela - Diāmetro 8 x 36 mm
Ferramenta Mandrilhar Biela - Diāmetro 8 x 50 mm
Ferramenta Mandrilhar Biela - Diāmetro 8 x 50 mm - com inserto
Ferramenta Mandrilhar Biela - Diāmetro 8 x 26 mm
Ferramenta Mandrilhar Biela - Diāmetro 6 x 18 mm
Ferramenta Mandrilhar Biela - Diāmetro 12 x 76.5 mm - com inserto

Ferramenta p/ Faceadora de assento de camisas molhadas
Modelos mįquinas: FAC-86
Ferramenta Facear Diāmetro 73-88 mm
Ferramenta Facear Diāmetro 85-110 mm
Ferramenta Facear Diāmetro 97-132 mm
Ferramenta Facear Diāmetro 123-162 mm
Ferramenta Facear Diāmetro 158-192 mm